De 9h30 à 18h00, tous les jours Livraison Gratuite et Assurée en France

Prix des Métaux
Cours de l'or 2 775,55 € 2 317,98 £ 2 862,30 $
Cours de l'argent 30,89 € 25,75 £ 31,84 $

Pièce Demi once Biritannia Belle Epreuve

The Half Ounce Gold Britannia is 15.5g of fine gold, produced by the Royal Mint. These excellent condition coins are ideal for collectors, and at BullionByPost we have a broad range of coins from the past 20 years or more - including specially certified Graded Coins.

To find out more about Britannia Coin Designs, click here.

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